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How to Write a Compelling LinkedIn Post by the personal branding agency for entrepreneurs Brand of a Leader

How to Write a Compelling LinkedIn Post

socialmedia thoughtleadership Jul 26, 2024
Contributed by Chase Fitzgerald; updated by Marina Byezhanova

LinkedIn: one of the most powerful yet still misunderstood social media platforms out there.
As a CEO of your business, you likely relate: LinkedIn seems like a “natural” and interesting platform for your message, so you’ve thought about it - but figuring out what to say and how to say it might be a challenge. It’s something we hear almost daily from existing and prospective clients at Brand of a Leader: entrepreneurs are excited about being active on LinkedIn but feel unsure where to start.

What makes LinkedIn such a particularly “tricky” platform to leverage? We’ll explain - but before we do, let’s look at some numbers.

With over 900 million members, LinkedIn may not be the largest social network out there, but it is unquestionably the hub for business thinkers. While it might feel crowded, from a content and thought leadership perspective, the numbers tell a different story: approximately 250M members create content on LinkedIn, and less than 1% of users post 2 pieces of content or more each week. If 3M users net the 9B impressions generated annually on LinkedIn, then a tiny portion of people actually doing it are benefiting way more than a platform has ever allowed them to. Consistency wins the game, as always.

As an entrepreneur, here is what it means for you: if you are curious about LinkedIn, or can see yourself building content on LinkedIn to reach an audience that matters to you, the opportunity is now.

Even though LinkedIn has been around for nearly 20 years, it remains very much in a “nascent'' stage for those creating content. Right now, organic content (unsupported by paid ads) is peaking in its impressions, reach and visibility (written posts on LinkedIn actually get 2X the visibility than paid media elements like job postings or advertisements).

Whether you’re looking to engage prospective customers, generate visibility to boost your company’s valuation or inspire people in your community, LinkedIn has something to offer you.
Once you figure out “what” you’re going to be writing about (your “content pillars”), writing short posts is the next step - and that’s where we’ve seen entrepreneurs and leaders absolutely thrive on LinkedIn in a short time.

Here are 5 foundational tips to create brilliant, engaging LinkedIn content:


#1 Write a stellar opening line

This is the single most important part of your post. Like the first line in a book or the opening scene of a movie, if it isn’t captivating, your audience won’t stick around. In fact, 95% of people don’t read past the first sentence. In order to craft an attention grabber, start with a unique insight, declarative sentence or even thought-provoking question. As long as it’s bold and short, readers will be more likely to click “read more.” 

#2 Choose a topic you know

At Brand of a Leader, we’re strong believers in speaking when you have something to say instead of speaking just for the sake of it - which applies directly to writing for LinkedIn. The easiest way to be authentic is to write about what you know and remain in that “lane.” While your expertise matters, your voice matters more: you don’t need to be a “global expert” in a given field; coupling your expertise with your unique take-aways. Don’t be prescriptive; share your thoughts and others will relate.

But that’s not at all. Gone are the days of corporate robots on LinkedIn. Today, we connect on this platform in a true H2H fashion: human to human. And with the rise in boring and bland AI-generated content, your humanness will become even more key for a successful presence on LinkedIn. In addition to writing content on a topic you have mastered, choose a secondary topic that has nothing to do with “talking shop” but humanizes you and creates that H2H connection.

#3 Wrap it in a real story

This point goes hand-in-hand with being authentic. By providing a specific example driven by storytelling, you’re not only backing up the message you’re trying to convey but you’re making it relatable. It’s an opportunity to bond with your audience so they learn about you and feel comfortable opening up back to you. It’s a win-win situation - but it takes a story to create that moment. Storytelling is the oldest form of communication for a reason: it pulls at our heartstrings, humanizes us, and makes us feel more approachable to all who engage with us.

Tell stories as a means of making your post more compelling, but also so that you sound like someone who is sharing from a place of experience rather than sounding preachy.

#4 Have a visual aid

How does the old saying go? A picture is worth a thousand words? In this case, it’s so true. In fact, LinkedIn posts with images will receive 2 times the engagement than posts that go without. LinkedIn’s algorithm will reward posts that include images - so be sure to include them from a technical perspective. From a storytelling perspective, images can elevate your post’s narrative, catch a potential reader’s attention and even provide more depth to what you’re talking about.

Beware: AI-generated images may be great for corporate content, but they do nothing for your personal brand. Select photos of yourself and photos that you yourself took. Once again, the humanizing touch is what wins the LinkedIn game.

Another option is to use video snippets (shot horizontally, not vertically, to respect this particular platform). What we do at Brand of a Leader is book our clients on podcast interviews and then create snippets to be repurposed on LinkedIn. A low maintenance strategy that provides consistency.

#5 Encourage conversation

If your posts don’t offer something new, provocative or emotion-inducing, you won’t stand out. Try to be as conversational as possible by asking questions and encouraging people to respond in the comments. They don’t have to be soul-spilling questions but just intriguing enough for others to share their own opinions or experiences. And always – I mean, always – reply to those who comment on your posts. This is how you build real connections and ensure that your network remains engaged, coming back to read your future posts.

LinkedIn is just one medium to convey what matters most: your authentic voice that can resonate, impact and inspire others.

Have more questions about creating content for LinkedIn? Reach out to our team and schedule a call with us here about how to leverage LinkedIn for your personal brand!



Chase Fitzgerald is a Toronto-born, Halifax-based Content Writer at Brand of a Leader.


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