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Why I Fell in Love with Personal Branding Nov 02, 2021
An open letter from Marina Byezhanova, co-founder of Brand of a Leader.



Last week, I publicly shared my big goal: to become the global thought leader in personal banding. It was intimidating to share such a lofty goal openly – but I know that clarity of vision is one of the...

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3 Personal Branding Myths (And What They Really Mean) Oct 28, 2021

Personal branding is a fairly nascent field if we look at the surge of interest in it. Although written about by Tom Peters in Fast Company in 1997, it is really in the last 5 years that we have seen a massive increase in interest in this topic, as well as academic research into its many facets.

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Does personal branding mean "making a statement?" Jul 19, 2021

Do you actually want a personal brand?

Many of us want a personal brand these days. Most of us aren’t really ready for it.

The primary reason: building a personal brand means starting to conceptualize yourself as a marketable concept. Whether B2B or B2C, some of Marketing 101's...

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How to create content for your personal brand in 4 steps Jun 15, 2021

"I want to create content, but I don’t know what to write about!"

"I want to have more visibility, build a brand, and become a face of my business. I am just not sure what I should be writing about."

"To be honest, I think there are enough pictures of everyone’s coffee, restaurant...

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How entrepreneurs are growing a following on Clubhouse Apr 03, 2021

Over 3.6 billion people are on social media platforms in 2021. As the COVID-19 pandemic caused worldwide lockdowns and ensuing social distancing, we saw a further rise in social media usage. Online platforms are allowing us to connect and to fill up our otherwise-empty social calendars.


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4 reasons why entrepreneurs need a strong personal brand Mar 28, 2021

Personal branding is a hot topic among entrepreneurs these days. A Google search of “personal branding” and “entrepreneurs” returns nearly 2 million results. Rooms about personal branding on Clubhouse run at all hours of the day. Even the former chief of...

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Core values: why they matter for your personal brand Mar 01, 2021

Your core values lie at the heart of your personal brand. They can also act as part of your point of differentiation - something that sets you apart and that solidifies your perspective as uniquely your own. For example, one of my core values is “censorship is evil.” As many of...

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Is personal branding about building a "persona?" Feb 26, 2021

Many entrepreneurs we speak with are intrigued by the idea of personal branding - but they’re worried.

They’re worried that building a personal brand is inauthentic.

They’re even worried that it has a slightly narcissistic connotation.

They worry if being "loud" on social...

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Your brand is a multiplier for your marketing Feb 10, 2021

You can market a product or a service without a strong brand. And yet what a strong brand does is multiply the outcome of your marketing efforts.

How does this apply to personal branding?

If you are posting on social media, giving talks, running a podcast show or growing a YouTube channel, these...

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Feature in Forbes! Feb 04, 2021

Big moment of pride for our young company: our recent article on personal branding was featured in Forbes! In it, we unpack the various definitions of a personal brand - and we even propose our own. 

Click here to read the Forbes piece & share it with someone who wants to know the...

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Are you feeling fulfilled? Feb 02, 2021

Last week I wrote a post about mental health on LinkedIn and it got more likes, comments & DMs than I had in a long time.

As people started reaching out and connecting, I noticed a trend:

Beyond our search for normalcy there is a prevailing search for identity. As we are in yet another...

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On using Clubhouse to build your personal brand & thought leadership Jan 17, 2021

A social media platform built on .. voice?! Count us interested. Our mission is to scale the reach of thought leaders’ voices, after all!

Clubhouse seems to be today’s TikTok. So much hype & buzz surrounds Clubhouse, leaving many of us wondering whether we should be on it and...

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